A Bayt.com Review of Job Hunting Basics in the Middle East

A Bayt.com Review of Job Hunting Basics in the Middle East

Sometimes, ignoring the basic rules of job hunting could be the reason you’re not getting the job you’ve been dreaming of. We sometimes overlook the simplest elements when we’re focused on what we think are bigger and more important factors, but in reality, there is nothing more essential than the basics, or the foundation of everything we are building on.

At Bayt.com we decided to go back to the basics, and put together a review of essential job search strategies and steps to help you keep track of whats important and guide you towards the perfect job:

1. Customize your CV and Cover Letter

A common mistake that many job seekers make is using the same CV and cover letter to apply to all job positions they\\\\'re interested in. A reviewer spends an average of 5-7 seconds looking at a CV, so it is extremely important that yours stands out and impresses immediately, to convince the employer to keep reading. Study the company and job description carefully. Tailor your CV and cover letter according to the position, integrating keywords from the job description into your objective and skills sections. Make sure that they are always an honest reflection of your abilities, while still emphasizing your aptness for the position.

2. Stay in the Know

Knowledge has always been and always will be power. This is true for every field and in every industry. Make sure you are constantly up-to-date on the state of the market and well informed on business trends in your country and industry. This can help you understand the hiring practices in your region, while also impressing employers with your relevance.

3. Go Digital. Go Public.

We live in a digital age where technology plays a role in almost every area of our lives, so why would we think it’s any different when it comes to our job hunt? The Bayt.com ‘Social Recruiting in the Middle East and North Africa” poll revealed that, in reality, 82% of employers research a candidate online before calling them for an interview. This means that an online presence may be the factor that stands between you and your dream job. Don’t only create an professional profile online, but also give special consideration to your existing social media profiles and ensure that they are “job-proofed” and that you’ve cleaned up all content that you wouldn’t want potential employers to see.

4. Harness the Power of Your Network!

We’ve said this before, and we’ll say it again. Network, network, network! Continually grow your network and expand your contact list reaching out to your connections regularly, to re-establish and nourish both your business and personal relationships. Supplement your physical networking with online socializing as well. Use web sites and online professional platforms, like Bayt.com Specialties, to connect with like-minded professionals in your industry and build greater visibility in the field. After all, no man is an island entire of itself, so don’t underestimate the importance of having connections. You never know who may one day have a job that is perfect for you!

5. Don’t Drop the Ball

We cannot emphasize this one enough: always follow-up! After you’ve applied, after your phone interview, after your actual interview, even if you were declined the position. Following up is one of the most essential steps that make all the difference, and doesn’t leave the employer with a bitter taste in their mouth. Even when you don’t get the job, follow-up, thank the employer for their time, understand what went wrong, learn how to improve. It is never enough to just apply. If you haven’t heard back in a few weeks, it never hurts to shoot an email asking about your application status, and reiterating your interest in the position.

  • تاريخ الإعلان: 22/08/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 30/08/2016
  • تاريخ الإعلان: 22/08/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 30/08/2016