
  • الإعلان · الإمارات العربية المتحدة
  • 1 متابع · 10-49 موظف


Its a corporate identity and strategic design firm specializing in designing identities for existing companies and for new launching companies. Our approach is very strategical before undertaking any design jobs and our uniqueness is this blend of expatriate and arabs who are part of our personel ...اقرأ المزيد


Its a corporate identity and strategic design firm specializing in designing identities for existing companies and for new launching companies. Our approach is very strategical before undertaking any design jobs and our uniqueness is this blend of expatriate and arabs who are part of our personel

الرواتب التي نقدمها Identity

متوسط الرواتب في شركتنا

عرض المزيد

الموظفون المسجّلون على بيت.كوم

nasser kiki

ARt Director

Fahad Jamil

Graphic Designer & Project Manager

Amr Ramadan

Graphic/It Designer

Diana Ghostine

Accountant & Assistant Manager

Mohammad Uddin

Sr. Manager

عرض المزيد