Gama Construction

البناء والتشييد


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تقدم إلى وظائف شركة Gama Construction

الرواتب التي نقدمها Gama Construction

متوسط الرواتب في شركتنا

متوسط الرواتب الشهرية

construction manager


team leader


بيانات الموظفين

معلومات جمعها بيت.كوم

عدد الموظفين الحاليين في الشركة: 162

غالبًا ما توظف شركة Gama Construction موظفين من الشركات التالية:

يمتلك العديد من موظفي شركة Gama Construction مؤهلات علمية من الجامعات والتخصصات التالية:

أبرز الجامعات

  • Cairo university
  • Ain shams university
  • Helwan university
  • Zagazig university

أبرز التخصصات

  • civil engineering
  • mechanical engineering
  • civil construction and civil engineering
  • accounting

يقيم الكثير من موظفي شركة Gama Construction في البلدان التالية:

أبرز المهارات في:

أكثر المهارات شيوعًا في شركة Gama Construction لهذا الدور الوظيفي هي:

هل تمتلك هذه المهارات؟ حدّث سيرتك الذاتية الآن!

أبرز وظائف المستويات المبتدئة

يعمل معظم موظفي شركة Gama Construction ذوي المستويات المبتدئة في الأدوار الوظيفية التالية:

الهندسة الميكانيكية الهندسة المدنية الهندسة التشييد والبناء الإدارة الموارد البشرية والتوظيف
ابحث عن وظائف في المستويات المبتدئة
الجنس والعمر



تحت عمر الـ 35

فوق عمر الـ 50

الموظفون المسجّلون على بيت.كوم

Reem Ibrahim Hamed

Senior Contracts, Claims and Risk Manager

mohamed bashir

Project Manager


MEP Projects Manager

Osama Magdob

Area Administration Manager

عرض المزيد

اكتشف المزيد عن شركة Gama Construction

نبذة عن شركة Gama Construction

Based in Egypt, Gama Construction delivers turnkey projects to a diverse group of high-profile clients. Founded in 1991, Gama is a member of Triangle Group, one of the country’s oldest commercial groups, which was established in 1810. We provide engineering and construction services for industrial, buildings, and infrastructure projects. Across all three sectors, Gama’s scope includes civil works, electrical, mechanical, and finishing works. Gama is one of Egypt’s leading private-sector companies, registered “Class A” in general construction by the Egyptian Federation for Construction and Building Contractors. The company has also earned international qualifications including ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, and ISO 14001 certificates. Since its establishment, the company has continuously expanded its operations by consistently delivering quality services that always meet and exceed our clients’ expectations. We are committed to producing the best final output while maintaining a safe project site, and creating an environment for our employees that is consistently recognized as one of the best companies to work. Gama has taken on important roles in many large-scale national projects that have wide-ranging economic impact. Some of those projects are the ministry buildings in the New Administrative Capital, the Middle East largest industrial cement complex in Beni Suef, the Technology Park in Beni Suef. In addition, we took part in executing 360 MV plants in Benban Solar Park in Aswan, one of the world’s largest solar parks. Currently, Gama is working on the Light Rail Transit that is considered one of the current pivotal projects connecting cities.