ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

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As an engineer, how do you make sure that you don't make mistakes?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Fadi Jameel , Engineer , Juma Al Majid Est
تاريخ النشر: 2014/07/22

We human beings are not even close to a programmed machine so we are highly susceptible to making mistakes (willingly or unwillingly). The only thing is that we should have the will power to accept, rectify and learn from those mistakes at the earliest. The field of engineering requires high precision of techniques, calculations and application, a small mistake may lead to a massive error. To be more accurate and to avoid critical mistakes, we must always be open to suggestions and feedback from our co-workers even if they are of a lesser rank. We should discuss the project with them and ask them to point out any mistakes and rectify them at the earliest. Finally we should cross check the final testing reports with the stardard ones and plot graphs to study any unwanted deviations from the standard or desired plot...

Use your head, don't be ashamed to ask for everything, follow the drawings, write everything so you will never forget.

Muhammad Khalil
من قبل Muhammad Khalil , Chief Engineer (Civil) , Water and Sanitation Services Mardan

Complete study of drawing and design  and keeping close contacts with the seniors helps us to make minimum mistakes

Saadallah Oueida
من قبل Saadallah Oueida , Project Civil Engineer , NESMA & PARTNERS

everyone can make mistakes .... not only in engineering but in other aspects of life (personal,economical...) so we can't hide from this fact.The best thing we can do is to revise the work we have done (drawings,calculations ...) , ask the senior engineers who have more experience than us and to be up-to-date with the latest codes and practises in engineering . Mistakes are good for us engineers ... so no one should feel ashamed of making them 

Muhammad Sohail Rana
من قبل Muhammad Sohail Rana , Plant Manager / Deputy General Manager , Werrick Health Care

If you follow engineering procedures, chance of mistake is very rare.

Mahmoud Zaher Tarakji
من قبل Mahmoud Zaher Tarakji , مدير , أوال جاليري

Ask consultat ( engineer ) &  i take his rusltant .

Ahmed Salah
من قبل Ahmed Salah , Head of Electrical DEP. , SAMAMA OPERATION&MAINTENACE

Its easy   {  Do not assume always check }

ahmed mohy abd elkhaleq mghrby
من قبل ahmed mohy abd elkhaleq mghrby , Senior consultant engineer , EHAF consulting engineers

by the agree of Consultative then , it must be a little human mistake , but not fedal mistake

Lobusona Silalahi
من قبل Lobusona Silalahi , Site Engineering , Deveriant Consultant, CV

I can not be sure that I wil not do wrong. I am not a perfect man. But I try not to make mistakes and learn form mistakes in order to achieve the good. Because, in principle, man do not want to do wrong 

Everything in scientific research depends on try and error, but the experience is mastering capabilities and development of skills, and as we get in our profession decreasing risks and increased rates of success and this is not limited only in the scientific field, but even in the management and leadership skills.

hatem labib
من قبل hatem labib , Quality control manager , MISER consultant

good system can decrease a lot of mistaks

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