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Why Business model is backbone of business?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Irfan Khan , SR. PROGRAM MANAGER , Automotive Industry
تاريخ النشر: 2014/07/23
Adri-Anna Aloia
من قبل Adri-Anna Aloia , Editor-in-Chief , DiveRCSIty:Inject

A business model is like a CV. Without it, where do you organize your goals, experienced workers, sectors required to execute the job, create a concrete concept that your business will execute or find "the voice" of your business? The model is the plan. With a model, you can apply changes and alterations as well as execute steps and create contacts interested in similar goals of development. 

How can you interest an investor without a model? How do you attract a company to interview you without a CV? It's a proposal, an eleborate proposal. 

sanjeev trivedi
من قبل sanjeev trivedi , Principal Architect , TRIAARCH

Definetly it is the essence of the business as it is evolved by considering all the factors, techiniques of implementation, forseability and offcourse the viability.


Socrates Chinniah
من قبل Socrates Chinniah , Manager - Strategic Planning , TechnipFMC India

A business model helps the organisation to answer very important questions that is required for survival without which the organisation will essentially end up in failure. It answers the following and hence the backbone. 

  • What is my purpose 
  • What i am offering 
  • Who are my customers 
  • What is the value I would deliver through my offering 
  • What is my capability 
  • What are my resources and how do i manage them 
  • What is my market and how do i succeed 

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