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PROGRAMMING Adapting PCool using G code

I have a Haas VMC machine with programmable coolant nozzle (PCool). I know how to manually adjust the position of the nozzle using the buttons Cooland Up (Boost. Coolant) and Cooland Down (Decrease. Coolant) in the control system, but I do not know how to set the position in the program using code G.

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Tomasz Modrzejewski , Programmer , Company Skraw-Mech
تاريخ النشر: 2014/08/30
Tomasz Modrzejewski
من قبل Tomasz Modrzejewski , Programmer , Company Skraw-Mech

To adjust the coolant nozzle with the help of a program using G codes, enter the coolant position for each tool when setting the tool on the screen correction tools. When the control system reads the correction command G43 tool length, the position of the coolant will be moved to the position correction. You can change the position of the coolant during the program using the M34 (pin down) or M35 (pin up). These commands M codes change the position of the nozzle coolant one, so you may need to use several M34 or M35 in the program to move the nozzle to the desired position. Please note that the M codes are always performed at the end of the block, so you may need to program code M in the previous block, or give them a separate block.


thanks fot inviting but im sorry ican not answer  i did not understode the question


هاشم المشارقة
من قبل هاشم المشارقة , Key Account Manager , Advanced United Systems Ltd. ( A member of Taj Holding Group)

You are very proffieshonal in CNC, I didn't understand anything you say :)

but I didn't know why ?

I don't have much experience in cc I appreciate that you gave a question and answer as well

Shagufta Mubasher
من قبل Shagufta Mubasher , Web Developer , MP CJ O Shopping Sdn. Bhd.

Mr. Tomasz, I appreciate the way you question and answer yourself to keep away the ambigious part in it. However this is actually out of my understanding as um not having any professional level expertise with CNC

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