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Cartoon animation software?

<p>20 years ago i had some of programs to develop2D animation on computer, right now only ToonBoom studio and little more tools. do you know some professional programs out there?</p>

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎
تاريخ النشر: 2015/01/09

Blender is nice but it is not designed for traditional2D animation.

irfan zulfiqar
من قبل irfan zulfiqar , Motion Graphics Artist , Haji shekh noor ul din and son's

No its not a specifically cartoon animation software.

aldoha askar
من قبل aldoha askar , Employee , staraimation

Adobe Flash CS is exploited to draw a flat graphic but by technical and ways of thinking in order to produce files can be modified quickly and safely without damaging the file or complexityBut Anime Studio is more options for drawing dimensions and imports images with high digital accuracy and contains types of pencils and feathersIt also contains filtersEach program has an advantage

aqib shafiq
من قبل aqib shafiq , concept artist , offroad studios

if we wanna do traditional animation then adobe animate CC (former flash), and toom boom is also great for doing amazing 2d animation, also there is anime studio for 2d animation as well .and for some flat 2d animation, adobe after effect is great

Ron Bates
من قبل Ron Bates

Corel Painter is a great software for this. You can get it here http://www.corel.com/en/pages/coupons/ and some discounts as well. ;)

Jaweed Hatem Nazir
من قبل Jaweed Hatem Nazir , IT Specialist , Waleefah Co.

I think (Cinema4D) from MAXON company is the best for this kind of design.

Kamran Farooqui
من قبل Kamran Farooqui , Graphics Designer and 3D animator , POSSIBLE Portfolio Update Coming soon...Link http://www.KamranFarooqui.me

Urmmm, Since,3D animation medium as taken over large part of character animation...I know some animators still use programs like 'Digicel FlipBook' pencil application on Windows. Ideally, to Block out key poses for action before spending time in3d app. Time saver!

This app is commonly used by industry pro - Jason Ryan (Supervisor Animator) on Kung Fu Panda film.

Or You could use Flash...? 

Yousef Eldmerdash
من قبل Yousef Eldmerdash , Video editor and Motion graphic artist , Office of residential life, AUC new campus

Aftereffects, Adobe animate, 

mahmoud mohamed
من قبل mahmoud mohamed , محام , Diamond for legal Consulting

you can use blender to Design and Animate your models 

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