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> What is a modifier?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company
تاريخ النشر: 2015/07/31
Mohammad Basheer abu ahmad
من قبل Mohammad Basheer abu ahmad , مشرف كمبيوتر ، الإشراف على الموظفين , قطاع عام

modifier is an optional element in phrase structure or clause structure, so called because it is said to modify (change the meaning of) another element in the structure, on which it is .dependent

Gayasuddin Mohammed
من قبل Gayasuddin Mohammed , Advocate , Practicing Law before High Court at Hyderabad

Modifier's in C or C++ programming language is basically modifying the meaning of predefined data types and expanding its horizon to accommodate bigger set of values based on need and requirement.  One of the purpose is for memory management.

There are four types of data modifiers in C or CPP : 1) short2) long3) unsigned4) signed.

for example:

int is a integer datatype in C or CPP. In case int is in general4 bytes of memory based on that particular version.

modifier short and long will modify its original characteristics and expands its ability.

short int will take2 bytes of memory, so if we are very sure when our values going to store in a particular variable small integer values only, then we can go for this modifier to save memory.

long int  will take double the memory of int. i.e8 bytes. and the storage capacity increases accordingly. When we have a requirement to store use integer values, then we had to utilize this modifier to store huge integer values.

unsigned int - this modifier gives a meaning of int that it will store only positive integers. when we are very sure that we have only positive integer values are going to store in a particular variable, than we utilize this modifier to give better meaning and usability, requirement purpose and memory saving also.

signed int is a default integer. only.

Modifiers are basically modify the actual property and expands its horizon up on the modifier utilized on need and requirement basis. Thanks.

Emad Mohammed said abdalla
من قبل Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company

A modifier, also called a modifying function is a member function that changes the value of at least one data member. In other words, an operation that modifies the state of an object. Modifiers are also known as ‘mutators’. Example: The function mod is a modifier in the following code snippet: class test { int x,y; public: test() { x=0; y=0; } void mod() { x=10; y=15; } };

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