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What is financial statement?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Mebrahtom Gebretsadkan , financial adminstrator , Fisaha tsehaye sesame supplier and beer distributor
تاريخ النشر: 2015/09/29
Omar Sumareh
من قبل Omar Sumareh , Senior finance assistant , International Organization For Migration - Other Locations

Financial Statement ( Including Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Profit or loss & other Comprehensive income, statement of Cash flow and Statement of Changes in Equity) Which represent the financial position/performance of an entity

Statement of Profit or Loss & Other Comprehensive Income. This records the performance of the business  revenue , Expenses  Gross profit and Net Profit

Statement of Financial Position: Record Assets , Equity and Liabilities of business.

Statement of Cash Flow : is measure how much cash the entity has as of its reporting date and  this most balance with the cash in the statement of Financial Position under current asset. Cash flow includes : Cash flow from Operating Activities- Operating profit and dep'n ETC

Cashflow From Financing Activities  -Purchases of PPE and its proceed

Cash flow from Investing activities- Issuing of shares





Noaman Salam
من قبل Noaman Salam , Internet eCommerce Specialist , Amazon

Financial Statements represent a formal record of the financial activities of an entity. These are written reports that quantify the financial strength, performance and liquidity of a company. Financial Statements reflect the financial effects of business transactions and events on the entity.

Kazi Mohiuddin
من قبل Kazi Mohiuddin , Executive - Budget & Costing , Opsonin Pharma Limited

Financial Statements provide information about::

- Financial position

- Financial performance

- Cash flows

Components of financial statements:

- Balance sheet > Assets liabilities and equities

- Income statement> Income and expenses

- Statement of changes in equity> All changes in equity or changes in equity other than those with equity holders

- Cash flow statement> Summary of major cash inflows and outflows. Dealt with in IAS7

- Notes> Significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.


Khurram Abid Mukhtar
من قبل Khurram Abid Mukhtar , Senior Financial Analyst , National Cargo Pvt Ltd

Financial Statement is a record of financial activities of the company. Financial statements represent the the financial position of an organisation.

Arghya Sen
من قبل Arghya Sen , Manager Accounts , Lavasa Corporation Ltd

A financial statement is a formal record of the financial activities of a organization, person etc. e.g. Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account, Cash Flow Statement etc

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