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What is the Difference between Exchange 2013 and office365 and how to configuration it in a simply?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Zaid Lahham , System Administrator , Manaseer
تاريخ النشر: 2015/10/22
Ayaz Buriro
من قبل Ayaz Buriro , information technology manager , Datapoint technologies

Exchange is on premisis servers and can work offline (LAN) as well as online from internet . Office is only online .your emails are in cloud. Now adays hybrid solution are there which integrate on premises exhange with office .

Daneesh Viswanathan
من قبل Daneesh Viswanathan , ICT Project Engineer , Salam Technology

Office is a  cloud based service apart from exchange .  The high availability of office is..9 %. As well you won’t need to worry about purchasing, upgrading and managing hardware with Exchange Online to help reduce the total cost of ownership of your email system. by default you will get GB storage.


Saqib Mehmood
من قبل Saqib Mehmood , Technical Team Lead/Safety Supervisor , Xchange Technology Group

Office  had following advantages over Exchange

1. Cost: You don't need to worry about purchasing, upgrading and managing hardware. Updates, upgrades andx7 IT phone support is also included

2. High availability: High availability and redundancy is built in and there is a financially-backed.9% SLA

3. Management & Control: Manage Exchange from a single, web-based administrative experience with the Exchange Administration Center which gives you rich capabilities and a streamlined experience.

4. Storage:   GB is included  by default while in Exchange  you can configure to meet your organization's needs and policies

5. Public Folders: Public Folders are now supported in Exchange Online with new, modern public folders 


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