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How to link the client pc to server and run the programs in oracle developer?

i install the database in the server and install the oracle developer in clint and copy the tname file from oracle database in server to the oracle developer in the clint ..... but not run

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Abdelrhman Ameen Alsobihy , متدرب , yemenmobile
تاريخ النشر: 2013/09/08
Jad Al-Quraan
من قبل Jad Al-Quraan , Head of department : analysis and systems development & Oracle DBA , Tafila Technical University

you need to configure the tnsnames.ora to define connection



Feras Elias
من قبل Feras Elias , Technical Support Officer , Legal Affairs Department

To connect to an Oracle Database, a client application must identify the database and present appropriate credentials. The connection mechanism depends on the type of client and whether it is running locally or remotely. Some connections require the installation of Oracle Client software.

There are several methods for specifying login credentials. For example, a client may present login credentials at the time of the connection, as shown below. The system will prompt for a password and establish a connection.

SQL>CONNECT username @ "hostname[:port][/databasename]"

You may also identify a connection with a predefined Net Service Name.

Oracle Spreadsheet Add–In for Predictive Analytics, whether running locally or remotely, requires the installation of Oracle Client and the creation of a Net Service Name.


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