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C.H.I.P. vs Pi Zero: Which Sub-$10 Computer Is Better?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل irfan shaikh , Consultant : Senior Web Designer/Front end Developer , Client : ● Impact Proximity, Dubai ● Cube Solution, Dubai ● WAC, Sharjha ● KIOEC, Kuwait ● IRIS Ltd.
تاريخ النشر: 2016/01/19
Hassan Tahiri
من قبل Hassan Tahiri , المسؤول عن الصيانة , MICMAINTE

Both the $9 C.H.I.P and the newest, stripped-down Raspberry Pi model have plusses and minuses, but to make either one actually useful takes some additional hardware; at their low prices, it’s not surprising that neither one comes with so much as a case. The two make different trade-offs, despite being just a few dollars apart in ticket price. C.H.I.P. comes with built-in storage that rPi lacks, for instance, but the newest Pi, like it’s forebears, has built in HDMI output. Make’s upshot?

The cost of owning either a C.H.I.P. or a Pi is a bit more money than the retail cost of the boards. Peripherals such as a power cable, keyboard, mouse, and monitor are necessary to accomplish any computer task on either of the devices. But it turns out the $5 Raspberry Pi Zero costs significantly more to operate than the Next Thing Co. C.H.I.P.

and both can connect to internet 

Joy Benigno Villa
من قبل Joy Benigno Villa , Web-support /General Reservations

For me C.H.I.P. is better than Pi Zero because C.H.I.P. can be connected to internet on it's own, unlike Pi Zero.

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