ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


What is the difference between the interest yield and redemption yield?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Frank Mwansa , ACCOUNTING LECTURER , FREELANCER
تاريخ النشر: 2016/04/29
Mujeeb Alam
من قبل Mujeeb Alam , Accountant , Copri Construction Enterprises Est.

Dividend Yield;


A financial ratio that indicates how much a company pays out in dividend each year relative to its share price. Dividend yield is represented as a percentage and can be calculated by dividing the dollar value of dividends paid in a given year per share of stock held by the dollar value of one share of stock


Redemption Yield;


Yield to maturity (YTM) is the total return anticipated on a bond if the bond is held until the end of its lifetime. Yield to maturity is considered a long term bond yield but is expressed as an annual rate. In other words, it is the internal rate of return of an investment in a bond if the investor holds the bond until maturity and if all payments are made as scheduled.

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

هل تحتاج لمساعدة في كتابة سيرة ذاتية تحتوي على الكلمات الدلالية التي يبحث عنها أصحاب العمل؟