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How much you support gym at your work for health?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Syed Shan Haider , Senior Draftsman , Al Marwan General Contracting Company
تاريخ النشر: 2016/09/27
Ihab Zaki
من قبل Ihab Zaki , Chief Technology Officer (Cto) , EGID

I support it 100%, why big conglomerates likes google are keen to provide such facilities in their premises.

Abdul Rehman
من قبل Abdul Rehman , Electrical Engineer , Tamdeed Projects

Thanks for the invitation. Physical exercise is very important for a person to maintain good health. Even if not at work place, one should join a gym after the office hours.

Imran Ahmed
من قبل Imran Ahmed , Manager-Planning & Delay Analyst , Nesma United Industries (NUI) Saudi Arabia

Very Nice question involving a lot of Engineering, Planning, Management, AutoCAD & Quantity Surveying.............. Whenever you are free, you can go to gym to take care of your health.

mahmood kheder
من قبل mahmood kheder , مدير القسم الفني وحاصل على درجة الاستشاري من نقابة المهندسين , alliba

Some minet every day at morning befor begin the work.

hisham abu dagga
من قبل hisham abu dagga , Project Manager / مدير مشاريع , مؤسسة عبدالكريم العواض للمقاولات

I support it 100%

Thanks for the invitation

من قبل DR MD ANWAR HOSSAIN , Moderator , bayt.com

I don't support it at all,because it's artificial method, but i think if everybody pray(SALAT) regularly( 5 times) per day, his/her 100% physical exercise will be done properly  without risk & without cost. Gym is so so risky.

As a fitness enthusiast myself, I will support fully having a gym in the workplace.  Many reasons come to mind, but essentially, the health of emoloyees are crucial to the success of an organization.

when employees are healthier, the company benefits through greater productivity. Fit, healthy and strong employees means that the company can rely on its employees to get the job done, and serves as an incentive and a facility to employees. 

The company will benefit.

Yahya Bah
من قبل Yahya Bah , Principal & Marketing Consultant , International Community

I support it 100% as it propagates healthy workforce which drives healthy  economic performance of your organisation. 

Luis Pujol
من قبل Luis Pujol , ROB Coordinator , Tecnicas Reunidas

I support it 100%. Just remember the old Roman motto: "Mens sana in corpore sano..." 

Mohammed Asim Nehal
من قبل Mohammed Asim Nehal , M Asim Nehal & Co , Chartered Accountants

After or before office hour such activities are fine, not during or in between.

Marasingha achchillage Anuruddha udayakumara Marasingha
من قبل Marasingha achchillage Anuruddha udayakumara Marasingha , Quantity surveyor , four companies,(vonlan,sunken,edward & christy etc)

it is good for release stress and attend to gym 3 times per week to improve mental and physical fitness.

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

هل تحتاج لمساعدة في كتابة سيرة ذاتية تحتوي على الكلمات الدلالية التي يبحث عنها أصحاب العمل؟