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What are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Single-Page Web Design?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل vijith pookkarathara , SOFTWARE ENGINEER , MICROSYS
تاريخ النشر: 2016/10/08
Chetan Bhadra
من قبل Chetan Bhadra , Software Engineer , Verve System Pvt. Ltd.

Advantages with Single Page web application is that don't have to redirect to another page every time. It is easy to use. And now a days people are more comfortable with SPA. 

With SPA you just need to focus on single page design and architecture.

One huge advantage with SPA is don't have to load your reference more than one's. It load all reference from only one call. And if you are not using SPA then it load reference when page loaded. 

Tareq Tahboub
من قبل Tareq Tahboub , Programmer and Analyist , Graduation Project

Another advantage is, specialy with the increasing popularity of mobile applications, SPA architecture allows your web based application to easily consume the set of APIs you'll make available to your mobile app, thus decreasing production and maintenance efforts and cost

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