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Which of the following is the root of the .NET type hierarchy?

A. System.Object B. System.Type C. System.Base D. System.Parent E. System.Root

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Mohannad Bakbouk , Full Stack Web Developer , Almohtaseb
تاريخ النشر: 2016/10/26
Zeeshan Amjad
من قبل Zeeshan Amjad , CTO


Mohammad Nadir Roshan
من قبل Mohammad Nadir Roshan , Technical Support Specialist , FreeBalance Co

The correct answer is A. as all classes in .net framework are supported/derived from object class. It is the superclass of all .net framework classes.

anas alhashki
من قبل anas alhashki , Senior Full Stack Engineer , Industrial Motor Power Corporation

The correct answer will be A. System.Object

Amit Sharma
من قبل Amit Sharma , Systems Analyst , TCS

The correct answer is A.System.Object is a namespace. Object is the root or superclass of all CLR objects means that every class inherits from Object class.

Ziauddin Zia
من قبل Ziauddin Zia , Software Engineer , Asia Poultry Feeds (Pvt) Ltd

Option A is the correct answer.

mohammed hussamuddin hussamuddin
من قبل mohammed hussamuddin hussamuddin , C Technical Lead , Infosys

System.object is the base Class in .Net

Pathan Zarrar Khadar Khan
من قبل Pathan Zarrar Khadar Khan , Windows System Administrator , Dyce Tech Pvt Ltd

A. System.Object Is Correct Answer 

Raghav Mehra
من قبل Raghav Mehra , Team Lead - Software Engineer , Mobiquest Mobile Technologies

A.) System.Object is the correct option. 

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