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Work on your strengths, not your weaknesses, marketer leaders should focus on building on what they are already good at, what do you think?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Tasneem Tahir
تاريخ النشر: 2019/04/01
Samir Karkutly
من قبل Samir Karkutly , Public Relations manager

from my point of view the good marketer should work on both sides, weekness and stringth he has to stringth his weekness and to complete his stringth because both of them are important to succes in marketing

Zeenatunnisa Palekar
من قبل Zeenatunnisa Palekar , Teacher , The Central School Dubai

I believe we must work on our strengths to prove ourselves but we should not ignore the weaknesses. It is better to give an attempt to the weaknesses because from weaknesses we learn many aspects of life. These experiences will make us best in our strengths. Our weakness and strength is related to each other to develop our personality in whole. So , we should try to come out our weaknesses and we must give best to our strengths.

من قبل M-R KHATANA , sales officer , www.sharifgroup.com

Focusing on weaknesses will set you on a downward spiral. It will lower your self-esteem, blur your vision, it might even turn your focused in the wrong direction.

The truth is, you will never be perfect. You will always have weaknesses that will accompany you throughout your life. Should you completely forget about them? Absolutely not! Understanding your weaknesses helps you to plan ahead and hire the right team, because where you are weak, somebody else excels.

One of the reasons people get stuck doing things they’re not good at is because they focus too much on their weaknesses.

One of the side-effects of focusing on weaknesses is a loss of perspective. Most of the time weaknesses will block your view and cause you to not see your real strengths.

Is it possible that who you are is totally fine and there is no need to “fix” yourself to improve your performance? I strongly believe that the reason you’re not seeing the results you want is not because you need to strengthen your weak spots, but is because you’re not strengthening your strong spots!

If you study the top performers out there, you’ll notice that they have one thing in common. They’re maximizing their potential in the area of their focus. They’re not trying to be everything to everybody. And they don’t pretend to know it all. So why should you?

Once you turn your focus away from your weaknesses and start discovering your core strengths, your next step will be to focus on expanding your strengths and maximizing your potential.

How do you do that? I wish the answer was as simple as 1-2-3, but it’s not. Still, here are a couple of tips that might be helpful to you as you walk through this life-long journey…

  • Think in terms of progress, not perfection. Life is about constant improvement. Take it easy, yet, challenge yourself.
  • Compare your performance on a weekly, monthly and annual basis. You’ve heard me right. When you need to compare, you compare your performance with your own, not somebody else’s.
  • Ask for help. It’s important to remember that nobody does anything great alone. You can’t succeed alone. What makes a difference is the caliber of the people you surround yourself with.

Marwan Shublaq
من قبل Marwan Shublaq , Retail Software Engineer , Abu Issa Holding

Enhancing and improving your strengths is vital for increasing your performance and getting better results, in the other hands if your weaknesses comes infront of the path of improvement and are affecting you negatively, you should focus on these wekanesses to the point they don't interfere with you.

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