ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


There are always two ways to ask/tell one thing. Have you ever learned/used them in your real life?

I would love to quote an example here, e.ei if i want to know about the source of income of a person then i can get information in following two ways. Question No.1 What is your source of income Question No.2 Are you a salaried person, businessman etc

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Adnan Khan , Manager Operations , National Bank of Pakistan
تاريخ النشر: 2013/12/03
Zafar Iqbal
من قبل Zafar Iqbal , Teacher (Pak Studies) Subject Specialist , Home Tutor

That is called communication skills.

Ahmed Alloush
من قبل Ahmed Alloush , Logistic Manager , Belgian Red Cross

Send clear & short message always

Krishnamurthy Vembu
من قبل Krishnamurthy Vembu , Vice President, Human Resources , One of India's largest retail businesses

This applies to everything in life... even when communicating with our immediate family members. We must always make it a habit to phrase it positively, without sounding arrogant, aggressive, nosy, or loud.

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

هل تحتاج لمساعدة في كتابة سيرة ذاتية تحتوي على الكلمات الدلالية التي يبحث عنها أصحاب العمل؟