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Regression Equation as a company's sales?

An analyst generates a regression equation of Y= $1,125,0 + $2(X) as a predictor of a company's sales of eye ointment, where X=marketing costs. If the firm spends $50,0 on marketing, what will expected sales be? _

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Anayatullah Tahir , Finance Manager , Etqan Projects
تاريخ النشر: 2014/03/19
Mark John Domingo
من قبل Mark John Domingo , General Accountant , Palma Holding


Y =1,225,000

Anupam Gulwelkar
من قبل Anupam Gulwelkar , Manager , Capgemini Technology Services India Ltd


Y =1,225,000

imane simad
من قبل imane simad , Économique , La banque

Procurement is to broad concept of buying or hiring process and purchasing is a narrow or stipulated area of buying process.

shahbaz malik
من قبل shahbaz malik , Assistant Accountant , MNAK

If you've ever wondered how two or more things relate to each other, or if you've ever had your boss ask you to create a forecast or analyze relationships between variables, then learning regression would be worth your time. Read more: Regression Basics For Business Analysis http://www.investopedia.com/articles/financial-theory/09/regression-analysis-basics-business.asp#ixzz4ohH3SI6Y Follow us: Investopedia on Facebook

Vishal Ahmad
من قبل Vishal Ahmad , Purchasing Administrator , United lube oil company

Let Sale a = 100000

Exp = 5000


Total sale amt 100000+5000=105000

Adan Waqar
من قبل Adan Waqar , Tax Specialist and Finance Analyst , Gulf Business Machines

Expected sales  will be Y=1125000+2(X)



Answer =1,225,000


sedrick mahlakanya
من قبل sedrick mahlakanya , Debt Collector , khumalo masondo attouney

passionate towards the product

Rania Nabil Abdul Hamid
من قبل Rania Nabil Abdul Hamid , SENIOR CREDIT OPERATION , National Bank of Kuwait

Expected sales  will be  $1.25+$2*($50)= $101.5

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