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HTML Email Templates

Invite your website subscribers to join Bayt.com by sending them our downloadable email templates. All emails contain your unique affiliate tracking ID... so you get the credit for every registration!

Step 1 - Configure your email

To get started, configure your email invitation template.

Email Template Subject

Email Template Language

Step 2 - Add your website logo (optional)

Provide a link to your website logo. Your logo will appear at the header of the email template.

Example: http://www.your-site.com/images/your-logo.png
Logo must fit within the following dimensions (width x height): 230px x 60px

Step 3 - Download your template

Your email template will be available for download once you join the program.

Step 4 - Email your subscribers

Your downloaded template contains all the tracking codes required to give you credit for subscribers who register on Bayt.com.

Join today and start earning - it's free!

Want to join the program? Complete the online application form.
