Americana Group - Egypt


500 Employees or more

27K+ Followers

Salaries at Americana Group - Egypt

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general manager


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Currently employed at this company: 1000

Americana Group - Egypt hires employees from the below companies often:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Americana Group - Egypt have the below job roles:

Customer Service and Call Center Human Resources and Recruitment Sales Accounting and Auditing Quality Control Marketing and PR
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

wael adel

Chief Accounting

mahmoud omran

Finance Manager

Khalid El Ashram

Regional Assistant Marketing Manager - Middle East & North Africa

mohamed fathy tema

كاشير واستقبال عملاء

ahmed khalil

administrative assistant marketing

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Learn about Americana Group - Egypt

About Americana Group - Egypt

ONE OF THE LARGEST MENA FOOD COMPANIES​ Manufactures & distributes a diversified food product portfolio; red meat, chicken, canned beans, dairy, frozen fries, pastries, sandwiches, cakes, chips & snacks​. Operating 19 production sites / factories across the MENA region, with key operation in KSA, UAE, Kuwait, and Egypt.​ Our purpose: “Nourishing our Consumers with Food that brings Joy to Life.”


To be the most admired food company, born in the region for the region


Providing wholesome food experience, trusted and loved by generations