Saudia Aerospace Engineering Industries

General Engineering Consultancy

Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

500 Employees or more

39K+ Followers

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vice president




operations director


head of operations


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Currently employed at this company: 210

Saudia Aerospace Engineering Industries hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of Saudia Aerospace Engineering Industries's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • King abdulaziz university
  • Yanbu industrial college
  • University of business and technology
  • University of jeddah

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • mechanical engineering
  • industrial engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • finance

Many of Saudia Aerospace Engineering Industries’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Saudia Aerospace Engineering Industries have the below job roles:

Engineering Maintenance, Repair, and Technician Administration Electrical Engineering Management Teaching and Academics
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

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Senior Shop Production Controller /Planner (SUPPLY CHAIN)

Omar Daggag

Vice President

Wael Shaikh

Talent Acquisition Manager

جهاد محمد بخاري


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Learn about Saudia Aerospace Engineering Industries

About Saudia Aerospace Engineering Industries

SAEI History: Saudi Arabian Airlines established its technical division in 1959 at the old Jeddah International Airport in Saudi Arabia. At the time, it built a two bay hangar capable of accommodating the B707-200 in operation with the airline at the time. Part of the long term plans included training Saudi nationals to fly and maintain the fleet of SAUDIA. In 1962, the technical division started sending young Saudi high school graduates to the USA for English language training and to obtain A&P and Avionics certification. In 1982, the new Jeddah airport was opened – King Abdulaziz International Airport – and Technical Services moved to a new facility capable of accommodating wide body aircraft such as the Airbus A300-600 and Boeing B747. By that time, the division took on full responsibility of managing the engineering and maintenance of SAUDIA fleet with over 85% Saudi manpower. By 2005, that percentage rose to over 90%. As a result of the initiative to privatize SAUDIA, Technical Services was restructured and registered as a private commercial LLC in 2009 and was re-named as Saudia Aerospace Engineering Industries with its independent brand and identity. In 2013, SAEI sold 30% of its shares to the Trabut Group.


To be the leading provider of quality aircraft maintenance, component, engine repair and overhaul, and engineering services in the Middle-East


• Be a customer oriented provider of aircraft maintenance, component and engine repair & overhaul, and engineering services of the highest quality and reliability and offering our customers added value services • Offer challenging and future oriented careers to our employees