Al-Khaleej Training and Education

Other Business Support Services

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

500 Employees or more


Salaries at Al-Khaleej Training and Education

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business consultant


operation supervisor


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Currently employed at this company: 583

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Al-Khaleej Training and Education have the below job roles:

Customer Service and Call Center Management Training and Development Teaching and Academics Administration Secretarial
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on


Products Manager

Mohamed Sorour

G.M. New Dimension for Management Training at Al Khaleej for Training and Education

yasser Ahmmedy

Administrative Assistant

Ahmad Saleem

Training and Development Manager

Jerome Rosaupan

Data Analyst

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Learn about Al-Khaleej Training and Education

About Al-Khaleej Training and Education

Al Khaleej Training and Education is a leading company in training and education with a highly qualified team of employees exceeding 4000 employees who work according to a unified framework to achieve our goals. We aim at offering training and educational solutions to all our clients and investing in the educational field such as establishing international and private schools, managing the university preparatory year and providing professional call center services to major companies.


To be the clients’ first choice through their journey of knowledge.


We are an empowered and inspiring team of professionals shaping the future of human resources and organizational development in our country, through global experience with local focus.