ABB - United Arab Emirates

Other Business Support Services

United Arab Emirates

100-499 Employees


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Currently employed at this company: 280

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at ABB - United Arab Emirates have the below job roles:

Engineering Accounting and Auditing Electrical Engineering Sales Information Technology Customer Service and Call Center
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Niyas T.M

Senior Controls Engineer

Hashim Assanaru Pillai

Product Application Specialist

Mohammad Arif

Local Business Controller

Mahmoud Alsheikh

Sales and Marketing Manager


Project Manager

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Learn about ABB - United Arab Emirates

About ABB - United Arab Emirates

ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in around 100 countries and employs about 105,000 people. ABB Industries LLC, Dubai with global integration and local presence offers solutions, systems, products and services for its customers to enhance their operations in an environment friendly way. In order to meet the ever growing business needs and to offer uncompromising service to our customers, we are continually in search of self-motivated, ambitious and committed members to join us and build their career with us.