Non-profit Organization

Jordan - Amman

100-499 Employees

17K+ Followers

Apply to ACTED

Mar 12, 2024

Amman, Jordan

Salaries at ACTED

Company Salary Range

Monthly Salary Range

senior hr officer


operations coordinator


projects coordinator


deputy project manager


Employee Insights

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Currently employed at this company: 548

ACTED hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of ACTED's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Yarmouk university
  • Jordan university of science and technology
  • University of jordan
  • Hashemite university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • civil engineering
  • accounting
  • business administration
  • computer science

Many of ACTED’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at ACTED for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at ACTED have the below job roles:

Community Services Administration Research and Development Accounting and Auditing Engineering Quality Control
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Tariq Akhtar

Logistics Controller

Mohammad Abdallah

Area Logistics Assistant


Assessment Project Officer

Hote Jamali

Team Leader

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Learn about ACTED


ACTED is an international non-governmental organization created in 1993 which responds to the humanitarian needs of populations in crisis situations respecting their dignity, while promoting and implementing opportunities for sustainable development by investing in human potential. Independent, private and non-profit-making, ACTED works in accordance with strict political and religious impartiality, the principles of non-discrimination and transparency, and the values of responsibility, impact, entrepreneurship and inspiration. ACTED adopts a zero tolerance approach towards sexual exploitation and abuse. ACTED is committed to the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse both within the organization and within the framework of ACTED programmes and ACTED beneficiary populations. ACTED JORDAN: Since 2005, ACTED has become a key actor in Jordan promoting the humanitarian-development nexus. In 2020, ACTED implemented more than 15 projects reaching over 80,000 beneficiaries, with five offices across the country, and implementing in 9 governorates. ACTED supports host and refugee communities across 3 programmatic pillars: WASH & Sustainable Resource Management, Civil society Engagement, and Livelihoods & Economic Development.


Every human being has the right to live in dignity We choose to act for immediate changes in the lives of those in urgent need We co-create new possibilities and sustainable change by investing in people potential We want a 3 Zero World: zero exclusion, zero carbon and zero poverty. We need to think local and act global to achieve greater impact for a 3Zero World.


To provide immediate humanitarian relief to support those in urgent need and protect people’s dignity, while co-creating longer term opportunities for sustainable growth and the realization of people’s potential.