Al Jaber Group

Construction & Building

United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi

500 Employees or more

9K+ Followers

Salaries at Al Jaber Group

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Currently employed at this company: 349

Al Jaber Group hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of Al Jaber Group's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Calicut university
  • Sikkim manipal university
  • American university of beirut
  • Madurai kamaraj university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • civil engineering
  • accounting
  • mechanical engineering
  • finance

Many of Al Jaber Group’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Most common skills at Al Jaber Group for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Al Jaber Group have the below job roles:

Engineering Management Accounting and Auditing Maintenance, Repair, and Technician Sales Safety
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Praveen D'Souza

Sr. Procurement Officer

Wadih Barbour

Chief Internal Auditor

Ashpak Ismail

Financials Controller

Modesto Bambalan Jr.

Sr. Procurement Engineer

khaled said

CFO & Admin Director

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Learn about Al Jaber Group

About Al Jaber Group

Al Jaber Group (AJC) is a privately owned multi-faceted group of companies, based in Abu Dhabi. AJC provides its professional services in the sectors of Construction, Heavy Lifting & Logistics, Industrial and Trading. The strength of the Group is derived from controlled growth and diversification. Al Jaber Group demonstrates outstanding capabilities through utilizing varied divisions and resources within the Group to support and complement each other. With a workforce in excess of 50,000 and a total asset base exceeding AED 10 billion, the Group is geared to meet the constantly changing demands of the market by investing in the latest engineering and information technology. A family heritage has nurtured an atmosphere of empowerment and collaboration, ownership and entrepreneurial flair. Such factors have been integral in the development of strong, stable teams – working under the guidance of visionary directors and owners. At Al Jaber Group, we are confident that our biggest asset is our staff; we pride ourselves of achieving the highest retention rates in employment turnovers in the region. We truly believe that well trained employees working in a professional environment with the highest standards of safety, technology and innovation will strongly contribute to the Group's success. The Group's strategy involves continuous quest for new talents in various markets to fuel its ongoing growth and meet the requirements of the booming economy of the UAE and the region. We appreciate the importance of diversity in our work force and have succeeded over the years in creating a multi-national pool of talent. The health and safety of the Al Jaber workforce is a priority and stringent procedures are enforced at every level within the organization in compliance with all local regulations and legislation together with all appropriate international standards. Thank your for your interest in Al Jaber.