
Retail & Wholesale

Qatar - Doha

500 Employees or more

64K+ Followers

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assistant manager


store in charge


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Currently employed at this company: 1000

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Most entry-level professionals at McDonald's have the below job roles:

Customer Service and Call Center Sales Hospitality and Tourism Management Human Resources and Recruitment Accounting and Auditing
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

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Moazzam Garhiwala

Consumer Business Insight & Analytics Lead


Marketing manager

ibrahim alatallah

Assistant Manager

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Learn about McDonald's

About McDonald's

Al Mana is one of the largest and most diversified groups in the region, operating with over 55 brands under the umbrella across 8 countries, employing over 3,500 personnel and growing. Operating within a multiplicity of industries ranging from retail, automotive distribution and services, real estate and investments, F&B, engineering, technology, media and entertainment. The Group covers most areas of retail including luxury goods, beauty, fashion, home interiors, watches and jewellery. Al Mana operates over 300 outlets and represents some of the largest, renowned and most successful brands in the world. The group is owned and operated by Hisham Saleh Al Mana, Kamal Saleh Al Mana and Wissam Saleh Al Mana, sons of the late Saleh Al Hamad Al Mana, in their capacity as Managing Directors.