Alyasra Fashion

Retail & Wholesale


500 Employees or more

24K+ Followers

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Currently employed at this company: 223

Alyasra Fashion hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of Alyasra Fashion's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Jntu
  • High school
  • Zagazig university
  • Alexandria university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • accounting
  • computer science
  • marketing
  • business administration

Many of Alyasra Fashion’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Alyasra Fashion have the below job roles:

Sales Customer Service and Call Center
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Kamran Shaikh

Brand Manager

Junaid Durrani

Senior Marketing Planning Manager

Mohamed Abdelnasser

Regional Training, Engagement & Internal Communication Manager

mostafa Mahmoud

assistant store manager

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Learn about Alyasra Fashion

About Alyasra Fashion

Alyasra Fashion was established in 1993 by Ahmed & Mohamed Y. Al Sager as part of Yousef A. Al Sager holding, a leading regional trading and investment company. With a focus on quality and High-Service retailing, Alyasra fashion owns and operates over 200 boutiques across Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, UAE, Lebanon, Qatar and Bahrain, with offices in Kuwait, UAE, and Saudi Arabia, and with comprehensive distribution and support for wholesale accounts in Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Alyasra Fashion has been established ever since on its values, ethics and the talented loyal team who endeavor to fulfill those same values and ethics in their relationship with suppliers, customers, and the community as well as among each other. Our team is our most valuable asset, and leading through quality is our primary objective. This passion for winning will make Alyasra become the leader in everything it does through service, quality, integrity and trust.


We will become the number one choice for the high-end fashion clothing and accessories brands in the region.


To establish an outstanding retail environment with the best value through highest quality products and services, thus enabling our team and customers to always feel confident and proud.