Alfaisal University

Primary, Prep, & Secondary School

Saudi Arabia

100-499 Employees


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Currently employed at this company: 114

Many of Alfaisal University's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Alfaisal university
  • King saud university
  • جامعة الملك سعود
  • Prince sultan university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • business administration
  • computer science
  • mba
  • software engineering

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Alfaisal University have the below job roles:

Teaching and Academics Administration Accounting and Auditing Information Technology Training and Development Secretarial
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Adel Al-Ghanem

Accounting Manager

Mohammed Nashbat

Instructor Librarian/Faculty/Library systems Admin

Alaa Joudeh

SIS Administrator, Financial Assistance Specialist

Mahmoud Ramzy Hassan HASSIB

سكرتير تنفيذي

Mohammed Nashbat

Academic Resources Librarian

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Learn about Alfaisal University

About Alfaisal University

Alfaisal University has been established in keeping with Islamic culture and heritage, and consistent with global trends in higher education. The University’s educational strategy is based on programs that are geared to problem - based learning and developing, competencies, creativity and team-work. Alfaisal University seeks to boost the competencies of its graduates by setting objectives and assessment criteria to meet standards of international accreditores. AU is seeking accreditation for its academic programs by other American academic accreditation institutions. English will be medium of instruction except for Islamic studies and Arabic language which will be taught in Arabic. Admission to Alfaisal University will be based on strict criteria. Student will be eligible for intern-ships at Saudi and foreign companies. Al Faisal University is unique for the variety of research fields it offers to both faculty and students, combined with academic programs that are geared towards developing creativity in technology design and development, from theory to market commercialization. This is of vital importance to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and will rank Al Faisal University among the leading universities of the world. Alfaisal University is a private, not-for-profit research university that will be self-governing and internationally recognized in education and research, and that produces capable, trained professionals who will become leaders in their fields. Students will begin their programs in Colleges of Business, Engineering, Medicine, and Science and General Studies in the fall 2008. The language of instruction will be English and will enroll 1,000 students per class. The initial class will be much smaller with a gradual build up thereafter. To learn more about Alfaisal University please visit: