

Jordan - Amman

500 Employees or more

59K+ Followers

Salaries at Aramex

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Currently employed at this company: 1000

Aramex hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of Aramex's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • University of jordan
  • Hashemite university
  • King abdulaziz university
  • The university of jordan

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • accounting
  • business administration
  • industrial engineering
  • marketing

Many of Aramex’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at Aramex for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Aramex have the below job roles:

Customer Service and Call Center Logistics and Transportation Accounting and Auditing Sales Administration Marketing and PR
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Christian Honein


Claude AlMarji
Claude AlMarji

Nasiba AlShukairy

Corporate Strategy and Integration Manager- GCC

Mohammad Alhajji
Mohammad Alhajji

Leen Rashdan

Financial reporting team leader

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Learn about Aramex

About Aramex

Aramex is a leading global provider of comprehensive logistics and transportation solutions. Established in 1982 as an express operator, the company rapidly evolved into a global brand recognized for its customized services and innovative multi-product offering. In January 1997, Aramex became the first Arab-based international company to trade its shares on the NASDAQ stock exchange. After five years of successful trading, Aramex returned to private ownership in February 2002 and continued to expand and excel as a privately owned company, establishing global alliances and gaining stronger brand recognition. In June 2005 Aramex went public on the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) as Arab International Logistics (Aramex) with its shares traded under ARMX. Today, Aramex employs more than 13,900 people in 354 locations across 60 countries, and has a strong alliance network providing worldwide presence. As the first company in the region to report on its sustainable practices, Aramex continues to be accountable for its commitments to all stakeholders. Aramex is keen on continuously practicing its citizenship by being an active partner in development and serving its communities and the environment.


To enable and facilitate regional and global trade and commerce.


To be recognized as one of the top five global logistics and express transportation service providers. It is the next destination we aim to reach in our journey.