Aramex - Egypt



100-499 Employees


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customer service agent


it manager


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Currently employed at this company: 363

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Aramex - Egypt have the below job roles:

Customer Service and Call Center Logistics and Transportation Management Human Resources and Recruitment Administration Support Services
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Mohamed Ramzy

Sr. Global Account Manager

mohamed fayed

HSSE Manager

Mohamed EL-Malt

Ocean freight pricing Desk Manager & Sea freight Export Manager

Ahmed Hashim

Buisness Development Manager

Nagm Elsheshaey

Senior Account Manager

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Learn about Aramex - Egypt

About Aramex - Egypt

ARAMEX was founded 20 years ago as a small operation working out of two offices - in Amman, Jordan and in New York. Driven by a young, dynamic and dedicated leadership it has grown to become an international company with shares traded on the NASDAQ. ARAMEX today is a privately owned company with a recognised global brand name - renowned for its quality service and comprehensive multi-product offering that puts it in a league with the international giants of the transportation industry in its chosen markets. Historically, the company started as an international express package delivery operator. With flexibility and innovation, ARAMEX used its solid infrastructure for the development of additional products, including freight forwarding services, domestic express delivery services, logistics and e-fulfillment, catalogue shopping services, and other specialised services. With the incorporation of all these services, ARAMEX has become a one-stop total transportation solutions company. ARAMEX today offers an extensive network across the world. With operations strategically located in all the major cities and hubs, it is able to service the world swiftly, effectively and on time. The network encompasses 134 offices in 34 countries with over 2,400 people - offering total transportation solutions to retail and wholesale customers worldwide. Fadi Ghandour, co-founder, President and CEO of ARAMEX explains: “The roots of our success are to be found in two main ingredients that have been at the core of our spirit since the company’s inception in 1982 - a winning corporate culture and a customer driven strategy.” ARAMEX trains and empowers its people and prepares them to act as creative solution providers; as entrepreneurs in their own right. In the same vein, we’re an intensely customer-driven company. Our strategy, structure and investment have always been inspired from, and directed towards our markets and the customer.