Azmeel Contracting

Construction & Building

Saudi Arabia - Jubail

500 Employees or more

6K+ Followers

Salaries at Azmeel Contracting

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mep project manager


project director


project director


construction manager


Employee Insights

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Currently employed at this company: 1000

Azmeel Contracting hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of Azmeel Contracting's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Alexandria university
  • Cairo university
  • Zagazig university
  • University of dammam

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • civil engineering
  • mechanical engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • civil

Many of Azmeel Contracting’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Most common skills at Azmeel Contracting for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Azmeel Contracting have the below job roles:

Safety Administration Engineering Civil Engineering Accounting and Auditing Architecture
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Sherine Farouk

Procurement Manager

Abdul Haq Shaik

Senior HR Admin Supervisor (Looking for job)

ahmed shibl

Construction Manager

Subramanian Sundararaman

Project Controls Manager

Khaldon Al Rawashdeh

Supply Chain Manager

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Learn about Azmeel Contracting

About Azmeel Contracting

AZMEEL Contracting & Construction Company, as a home company of AZMEEL Goroup, is actively engaged in the diversied construction eld all over the eastern province for a long time now. Our highly skilled manpower resource of more than 300 professional engineers in various disciplines, strong technical workforce with Inter-departmental coordination has yielded series of successful projects, where AZMEEL has set new standards while handling assignments for renowned clients i.e. SABIC aliates, Royal Commission, Saudi Telecom, SCECO, H.R.H. King of Bahrain, King Fahad Causeway Authority, Dammam and Eastern Province Cement Company, Dammam as well as private clients and investors by executing gigantic projects. As a broad range company, AZMEEL has contributed its professional skills and successfully undertaken variety of projects i.e. Mega Housing Projects, Commercial Projects, Shopping Malls, Chemical - Industrial Projects, Oset Industrial Projects Cement Plants, Hospitals, High Standard Luxurious Palaces, Resort\\\\ Development, Sea Front Development, Ware Houses, Landscaping and Infrastructures, etc. In addition to these, our sincere endeavors have led us to execute various projects for the 17 SABIC aliates, inside and outside their plants. is in turn, led to the major Housing projects for SABIC, projects for Saudi Electrical Company and Saudi Telecom Company as well. During the recent years, AZMEEL has become as a major contractor for SABIC & the Royal Commission. Furthermore, AZMEEL is successfully doing industrial projects for Samsung, Hyundai SASREF, BECHTEL, FLOUR, JESCO and Danieli & C. Italy.