
Lebanon - Beirut

500 Employees or more


Salaries at CMA CGM

Company Salary Range

Monthly Salary Range

project coordinator


hr officer


cost controller


Employee Insights

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Currently employed at this company: 319

Many of CMA CGM's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Mumbai university
  • University of mumbai
  • University of madras
  • Lebanese american university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • finance
  • business administration
  • computer science
  • commerce

Many of CMA CGM’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at CMA CGM for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at CMA CGM have the below job roles:

Logistics and Transportation Accounting and Auditing Customer Service and Call Center Sales Marketing and PR Legal
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Amr Ahmed

IT Supervisor

Jelena Mittsenko

M&R Control Officer

mohamed kamache

Logistics assistant Manager

pierre karam

Business Analyst

ahmed tawfik

Customer Service Team Leader

View all

Learn about CMA CGM


Founded in 1978 by Jacques R. Saadé, today CMA CGM is the world’s third largest container shipping group and number one in France. CMA CGM is headquartered in Marseille (France), and operates out of over 650 offices and agencies in more than 150 countries. With regular services on over 170 shipping lines, the Group manages a dense network capable of meeting the expectations of its customers all over the world. It is also one of the first global shipping operators to have control over the whole logistics chain offering a door-to-door service that integrates both inland waterway transport (River Shuttle Containers) and railways (CMA Rail), as well as port handling facilities and logistics on land. For 35 years, the CMA CGM Group has stood out for its team spirit and level of service. Based on the listening skills, expertise and total commitment of its 18,000 staff members worldwide, CMA CGM offers efficient services and innovative products such as, for example, shipping lines dedicated to certain markets, eco-friendly bamboo-floor containers and information technology tools like the eco-calculator. The CMA CGM Group’s primary objective is to meet the growing needs of its customers from a sustainable development perspective.