Dar Al Riyadh Consultants

Construction & Building

Saudi Arabia

500 Employees or more


Salaries at Dar Al Riyadh Consultants

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Monthly Salary Range


Employee Insights

Intelligence Generated by Bayt.com

Currently employed at this company: 116

Dar Al Riyadh Consultants hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of Dar Al Riyadh Consultants's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Osmania university
  • King faisal university
  • Western sydney university
  • Abu firas al hamadani secondary school

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • civil engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • mechanical engineering
  • finance

Many of Dar Al Riyadh Consultants’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at Dar Al Riyadh Consultants for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Dar Al Riyadh Consultants have the below job roles:

Engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on Bayt.com

Mohammed Rasheed Mohammed Qasim Ali

Senior Civil Structural Engineer

Shahid Fareed

Network Administrator

Ashique Samo

Senior Architect

Mohamed Basheer


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Learn about Dar Al Riyadh Consultants

About Dar Al Riyadh Consultants

Dar Al Riyadh Consultants was established in 1975 to meet the rising demand for architectural design, engineering and construction supervision in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Since then, we have grown and now employ more than 900 employees, with offices in each province. we’ve evolved into the leading, fully integrated, yet diversified engineering, design and project management consultants within Saudi Arabia. Our core strength lies in the petrochemicals, industrial, telecommunications, commercial, infrastructure, military and environmental markets, within which we offer a complete A to Z service encompassing world class skills. Further, increased diversification within International and especially Gulf region markets is presently being implemented, together with LSTK project execution. Our focus is always to serve our clients and our name has become synonymous with quality of service. The business we’re in undoubtedly does not permit us to become complacent with our success, nor does it fail in presenting us with unique challenges on almost a daily basis, without which we would certainly stagnate. Unrelenting technological innovations in all fields of construction necessitate a continual high level of investment in our resources, IT and support services, in order to strengthen our capability, competitiveness and be prepared for the future. Our goal is for us to be different from our competitors, providing better services and solutions for our clients. We are fully committed to their success.