Retail & Wholesale

Saudi Arabia - Khobar

500 Employees or more

1K+ Followers

Salaries at EXTRA

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Employee Insights

Intelligence Generated by Bayt.com

Currently employed at this company: 270

Many of EXTRA's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • King saud university
  • King abdulaziz university
  • Cairo university
  • Imam abdulrahman bin faisal university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • computer science
  • business administration
  • accounting
  • finance

Many of EXTRA’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at EXTRA for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at EXTRA have the below job roles:

Sales Maintenance, Repair, and Technician Human Resources and Recruitment Accounting and Auditing Customer Service and Call Center Engineering
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on Bayt.com

Mohamed Gabr

Facilities management director

marwan hemeda

smart products services central region manager

mahmoud dour
mahmoud dour

Operation manager

mohamed ragab

Inventory coordnitor . logistic coordnitor

Hassan Hindi

account manager

View all

Learn about EXTRA


eXtra was established in Saudi Arabia in 2003 by United Electronics Company (UEC) to provide customers with complete shopping experience for consumer electronics and home appliances. eXtra offers all the leading international brands and stocks an extensive product range including TV, audio systems, computers, mobile phones and IT communications, cameras, home appliances and personal care products. The product range is supported by comprehensive after sales services such as extended warrantee, free home delivery and AC installation. In addition it offers anytime anywhere computer maintenance, remote assistance over the phone 24 hours 7 days a week, and mobile setup with total back-up and maintenance through its trade mark Force 24/7. With 3 dedicated service centers across the kingdom, eXtra also offer household machines and electronics repairs. Today, with +12 Million shoppers, eXtra is the destination and the most popular electronics store with 34 stores across Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and 1 store in both of Bahrain and Oman.