First National Operation & Maintenance - NOMAC


Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

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Learn about First National Operation & Maintenance - NOMAC

About First National Operation & Maintenance - NOMAC

Welcome to the First National Operation and Maintenance Company (NOMAC), and thank you visiting our home page. NOMAC is the leading independent operations and maintenance services provider for the energy and water desalinization industry in the Saudi Arabian peninsula. NOMAC is dedicated to the safe and efficient operation of power and desalinization plants in order to deliver exceptional performance and outstanding results to our clients. Currently NOMAC has full operational responsibility for five mega projects: Rabigh IPP, Shuaibah IWPP, Shuaibah Expansion IWP, and Shuqaiq IWPP and participates in the Marafiq Jubail IWPP. Additionally, NOMAC is fully responsible for the operation and maintenance of two, barge-mounted, self-supporting desalination plants which are currently located in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia. On total, NOMAC is responsible for the operation of a portfolio of over 6,500 MW of power generation and 2.2 million cubic meters per day of desalinated water production. Building upon our enviable record of accomplishment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, NOMAC is well prepared to participate in additional power and water desalinization projects in the GCC region with plans to expand internationally in the nearer future. It is important to note that NOMAC is to continuously striving for excellence in the operation and maintenance of the water and power generation plants and that our Total Quality System is certified under the ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OSHA18001:2007 standards.