Halliburton - Egypt

Oil & Gas


500 Employees or more



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it project manager


project manager


site supervisor




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Currently employed at this company: 240

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Halliburton - Egypt have the below job roles:

Engineering Teaching and Academics Administration Oil and Gas Design, Creative, and Arts Mechanical Engineering
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on Bayt.com

Ayman Said

Field specialist

Sayed Fouad

Nitrogen Specialist

Mohamed Rabie

Field Engineer

ahmed ali

Associate Technical Professional Cementing

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Learn about Halliburton - Egypt

About Halliburton - Egypt

Founded in 1919, Halliburton provides products, services and integrated solutions for oil and gas exploration, development and production. Our capabilities range from initial evaluation of production formations to drilling, completion, production enhancement and well maintenance. By focusing on the needs of our customers through Real Time Reservoir Solutions (RTRS), we can dramatically improve the speed and quality of the decisions needed for the development of the customer's assets. With our commitment to RTRS™, we are developing technologies and solutions that help customers decrease operational costs and capital expenditures and increase reserves and production. While we improve our speed as we continue our vision of becoming the undisputed leader in the industry, we believe in performing at the highest levels of service quality, accident prevention and environmental protection. As an organization comprising of more than 300 service centers in more than 100 countries, we possess a global perspective and pride ourselves in maintaining integrity in all of our actions and commitments, flexibility and innovation in all of our business relationships.