higher colleges of technology

United Arab Emirates

500 Employees or more



Salaries at higher colleges of technology

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Employee Insights

Intelligence Generated by Bayt.com

Currently employed at this company: 283

higher colleges of technology hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of higher colleges of technology's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Higher colleges of technology
  • Abu dhabi university
  • Sikkim manipal university
  • American university of beirut

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • computer science
  • business administration
  • education
  • information technology

Many of higher colleges of technology’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at higher colleges of technology for this job role are:

Do you have these skills? Update your CV!

Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at higher colleges of technology have the below job roles:

Administration Teaching and Academics Customer Service and Call Center
Find entry level jobs
Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on Bayt.com

Rafat Kabbara

Assistant Manager - Facilities Management

Yousef AL Faouri

Head of Contracts

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Learn about higher colleges of technology

About higher colleges of technology

The Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) is a system of 16 colleges in 7 centers in the United Arab Emirates – one of the most progressive and modern countries in the Middle East. Using qualified teaching staff, innovative teaching methods and the latest technology, the HCT has quickly developed a reputation for its commitment to excellence, quality and exceptional standards. The language of instruction is English. To obtain more details and to apply for specific openings, please visit our website at http://recruit.hct.ac.ae