Advanced Technology Company

Medical & Healthcare Equipment


500 Employees or more


Apply to Advanced Technology Company

Apr 17, 2024

As Salimiyah, Kuwait

Salaries at Advanced Technology Company

Company Salary Range

Monthly Salary Range

software engineer


software engineer


Employee Insights

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Currently employed at this company: 151

Many of Advanced Technology Company's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Al-ahliyya amman university
  • Applied science private university
  • Annamalai university
  • Jordan university of science and technology

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • biomedical engineering
  • pharmacy
  • mechanical engineering
  • computer science

Many of Advanced Technology Company’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Most common skills at Advanced Technology Company for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Advanced Technology Company have the below job roles:

Engineering Accounting and Auditing Medical, Healthcare, and Nursing Sales Logistics and Transportation Information Technology
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Rony Varughese

Senior Manager Material & Procurement


Laundry Maintenance Engineer

Yasmine Jaber

Senior Application Specialist

Adnan Badar

Solutions Developer

Carlomagno Guerrero

Service Engineer

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Learn about Advanced Technology Company

About Advanced Technology Company

ATC has earned itself an impeccable reputation for setting benchmarks across the Kuwait healthcare and environmental market. This quest for excellence has led ATC to grow exponentially over the last thirty-seven years, to establish itself as a leading partner of choice for all the healthcare and environmental projects in the country. ATC started operations in 1981 as a medical equipment supplier to the Kuwait healthcare sector. Since then, the Company has grown leaps and has become the leading distributor and marketer of state of the art healthcare and environmental products and services. Today, ATC has established itself as the leading end-to-end total healthcare and environmental solutions provider capable of delivering over 95% of a hospital’s diverse requirements. The Company has a leading market share in the Kuwait medical equipment sector ranging from sophisticated equipment to hospital sundries. We enjoy a leading market position for most of our business segments. ATC is currently serving over 1,000 customers in the State of Kuwait including government and private hospitals, dental practitioners, laboratories and physicians. In addition to robust operations, the Company has a strong asset base of over KD 297.8 million and generated revenues of KD 149.1 million in 2018. ATC employs over 2,100 people and is headquartered at Salmiya, Kuwait. The Company has been listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange since 2007.


To become the leading end-to-end healthcare and environmental solutions provider in the region.


An unyielding commitment to provide innovative healthcare and environmental technology and solutions coupled with world class customer service to improve customer satisfaction. Create long term shareholder value with disciplined execution, strategic partnerships and principled leadership.