HSBC - United Arab Emirates


United Arab Emirates

500 Employees or more


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Customer Service and Call Center Accounting and Auditing Sales Cleaning Services Finance and Investment Architecture
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Worsh Ebrahem

علم النفس


مدير موارد بشرية

Ahmed Safwt

حارس امن

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Learn about HSBC - United Arab Emirates

About HSBC - United Arab Emirates

HSBC Bank Middle East Ltd has been a principal member of the HSBC Group since 1959. The Bank's unique relationship with the Middle East dates back more than a century. Today HSBC Bank Middle East Ltd is the largest and most widely represented international Bank in the Middle East, with 30 branches and offices throughout the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon and the Palestinian Autonomous Area. This extensive regional coverage is strengthened by another member of the HSBC Group, HSBC Bank Egypt, and by its associate companies, The Saudi British Bank and the British Arab Commercial Bank. In addition to its Middle Eastern network, the Bank has a branch in London, UK, and a representative office in Tehran, Iran. The Bank offers personal financial services, corporate and institutional banking, global cash management, trade services, treasury and custody and clearing services. HSBC plays an important role in the communities which it serves by supporting a wide range of charitable and community projects, principally through the HSBC in the Community Middle East Foundation, a £1 million sponsorship initiative. Headquartered in London, HSBC Holdings plc is one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in the world with some 9,500 offices in 79 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa.