IKEA - Saudi Arabia

Retail & Wholesale

Saudi Arabia

100-499 Employees



Salaries at IKEA - Saudi Arabia

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sales manager




sales supervisor




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Currently employed at this company: 707

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at IKEA - Saudi Arabia have the below job roles:

Sales Customer Service and Call Center Design, Creative, and Arts Logistics and Transportation Human Resources and Recruitment Maintenance, Repair, and Technician
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on Bayt.com

ماجد الغامدي

Check Out Group Leader

Omar Nouri

Reports & Dashboard Specialist

khalid hakami

CS logistics

Shahzad Omer Khan

Country In-Store Logistics Manager

Bander AlTurki

Country HR Administration Manager

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Learn about IKEA - Saudi Arabia

About IKEA - Saudi Arabia

* The IKEA business idea is to offer a wide range of home furnishings with good design and function at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. And still have money left! * Most of the time, beautifully designed home furnishings are created for a small part of the population — the few who can afford them. From the beginning, IKEA has taken a different path. We have decided to side with the many. * That means responding to the home furnishing needs of people throughout the world. People with many different needs, tastes, dreams, aspirations...and wallets. People who want to improve their homes and create better everyday lives.