Zain - Jordan


Jordan - Amman

500 Employees or more


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software engineer


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Currently employed at this company: 971

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Most entry-level professionals at Zain - Jordan have the below job roles:

Engineering Customer Service and Call Center Sales Information Technology Marketing and PR Teaching and Academics
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Credit and collection Manager

Murad Ahmad Barahmeh

Chief Accountant

Hussam Aljazi

IP, Enterprise & Fiber Maintenance Team Leader | DWDM Expert | Optical Fiber consultant

Hani Qandil, MBA, CBAP

Strategy & Planning Project Management Team Leader

Wassan Athamneh

Dual Role – Manager of Product Development and Marketing

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Learn about Zain - Jordan

About Zain - Jordan

In 1995, Zain Jordan revolutionized telecommunications in Jordan by introducing GSM mobile services into the country. Zain quickly became the foremost telecom company in Jordan, a position that it kept to this day through a far sighted policy of investment in adopting cutting edge technology to provide state of the art services to customers. Since its inception, Zain Jordan has tallied subscriber growth at an exceptional rate, with the number of subscribers around 5,903 million subscribers in the kingdom. Through about 8132 cell sites, Zain covers the entire populated area of Jordan. Aiming at maintaining its leading position in the marketing, Zain acquired in 2014 the license to provide the Fourth Generation services “LTE” for the first time in the kingdom, where these services provide up to 150 Mb per second. Zain launched LTE services to include all the governorates of the Kingdom in the first quarter of 2015. And among its products’ portfolio, Zain launched “Zain Fiber” services to enrich its customers ‘experience that is driven by (FTTH – Fiber-To-The-Home) technology that provides premium quality and stable internet with high speed.