Kharafi National

Construction & Building


500 Employees or more

5K+ Followers

Salaries at Kharafi National

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instrument engineer


chief accountant


store manager


Employee Insights

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Currently employed at this company: 1000

Kharafi National hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of Kharafi National's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Ain shams university
  • Cairo university
  • Helwan university
  • Faculty of engineering

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • mechanical engineering
  • civil engineering
  • mechanical
  • electrical engineering

Many of Kharafi National’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Most common skills at Kharafi National for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Kharafi National have the below job roles:

Engineering Support Services Quality Control Management Construction and Building Administration
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Mahmoud Hassan Metwally Ahmed Assal

Supervisor Material Control

Mohammad Ahsan

Senior Accountant

Mohammed Mustafa

Senior Systems Engineer

Suhail Younis

Senior Project Manager

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Learn about Kharafi National

About Kharafi National

KHARAFI NATIONAL is a leading Infrastructure Project Developer in water, wastewater treatment and reclamation, district cooling, solid waste management and enhanced oil recovery as well as a leading Contractor and Facilities Management Service Provider to the petroleum, chemicals, power, water and commercial sectors in the Middle East and Africa. As Infrastructure Project Developer, we are pursuing projects on a BOT, BOO or PPP basis. Our commitment to excellence has made Kharafi National the regional most successful Infrastructure Project Developer and with an undisputed reputation for quality. The company’s client list includes some of the most prestigious corporations in the region. Since it was established in 1976 Kharafi National has developed from a local contracting company into a world-class pan-Arabian Infrastructure Project Developer capable to undertake a wide range of challenging projects. Today Kharafi National is an international, multi-disciplined Company with diversified operations in: Infrastructure Project Development EPCM Construction Facilities Management Fabrication Services Kharafi National’s multi-faceted organization contains all the disciplines – civil, HVAC, mechanical and electrical engineering, etc.– required to deliver a broad range of development and contracting services to the petroleum, chemical, power, water and commercial industries in the Middle East and Africa. Kharafi National now has: an annual turnover approaching US$1 billion; a multi-national workforce of over 25,000, of whom some 10% are managers, engineers, superintendents, technical and clerical staff; a fleet of company-owned heavy construction equipment exceeding 3,500 units; its own fabrication facilities for piping, structural steel, pressure vessels, skids and packages that meet ASME standards; Kharafi National is an ISO 9000:2000 company and operates in full compliance with ISO quality assurance systems and procedures.