Larsen & Toubro

Construction & Building


10-49 Employees


Salaries at Larsen & Toubro

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assistant accountant


electrical project engineer


engineering manager


engineering manager


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Currently employed at this company: 1000

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Larsen & Toubro have the below job roles:

Engineering Civil Engineering Teaching and Academics Mechanical Engineering Management Quality Control
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Rajeev CP

Lead Document Controller

Salman Vaid

Data/Big Data Architect

Hadi Hasnain

Construction Manager

Joseph Antony

Project Controls Manager

Ihab Hajir

Administration Manager

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Learn about Larsen & Toubro

About Larsen & Toubro

Larsen & Toubro Limited (L&T) is India's largest engineering and construction conglomerate with additional interests in electrical, electronics and IT. A strong customer-focus approach and constant quest for top-class quality have enabled L&T to attain and sustain leadership over 6 decades. Larsen & Toubro international presence is on the rise, with a global spread of over 30 offices and joint ventures with world leaders. Its large technology base and pool of experienced personnel enable it to offer integrated services in world markets. The Turnover of the company is about 3.3 Billion USD and with CAGR of 29%.