Life Pharmacy

Other Healthcare Services

United Arab Emirates - Dubai

500 Employees or more

9K+ Followers

Salaries at Life Pharmacy

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chief financial officer


senior accountant


warehouse manager


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Currently employed at this company: 292

Life Pharmacy hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of Life Pharmacy's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • University of calicut
  • Bangalore university
  • Kerala university of health sciences
  • University of kerala

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • pharmacy
  • business administration
  • nursing
  • commerce

Many of Life Pharmacy’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Life Pharmacy have the below job roles:

Medical, Healthcare, and Nursing Sales Marketing and PR Beauty and Fashion Logistics and Transportation Consulting
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Jomy John

Head - Clinics

Nadia Imran Khan

Assistant Manager Strategic HR

Pradeep Thomas

Chief Financial Officer

Lakshmi Ninan

Marcom & Brand Manager- Private Label

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Learn about Life Pharmacy

About Life Pharmacy

LIFE started as a retail pharmacy group in 1996 and the strong impulse to perform has nurtured its growth over the last seventeen years. At present the organization stands tall in the industry with over 180 retail outlets consisting of Pharmacies, Healthcare Hypermarkets, Health and Wellness stores catering to an average annual customer base of more than five million walk-ins. As part of the expansion plans, 30 new pharmacies were launched in the last two years; and LIFE is committed to deliver excellent growth in turnover and profitability by expanding its number of outlets to double the current store count in the coming two years. The Company employs over 1500 professionals. LIFE Health Care Group introduced many innovations in pharmaceutical distribution in the region. Notable among them include the first Healthcare Hypermarket in the GCC, the first Drive- Thru pharmacy in the Middle East, and the first Shop-in-Shop concept in healthcare in the region. The unquenchable zeal to providing, Health Protection, Health Promotion, and Clinical Quality Service, brought in recognition and reliability to Life Healthcare Group. At LIFE, every individual is valued and cared for, and we are committed to the personal growth and development of our employees.


To become a leader in healthcare retailing in the Middle East through innovative, time-specific, need-specific, retailing concepts. LIFE Healthcare group is deep on a simple yet, profound customer centric philosophy: "Here, customer is the king. The only law of business is selfless service".


To guarantee extraordinary retail experience to customers through personalized services that result in customer loyalty. To assure greater availability and accessibility of healthcare products and services at competitive prices.