
Financial Auditing

Lebanon - Beirut

50-99 Employees


Employee Insights

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Currently employed at this company: 179

Mazars hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of Mazars's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Acca
  • Cairo university
  • Ain shams university
  • Institute of chartered accountants of pakistan

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • accounting
  • finance
  • commerce
  • accounting and finance

Many of Mazars’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at Mazars for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Mazars have the below job roles:

Accounting and Auditing Engineering Marketing and PR Information Technology Translation Management
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Karim Gomaa

Audit Director

Raja Usama Rabbani

Technology Consultant

Brenna Casserly

junior auditor

Sherif Sharaf

Assurance Partner

View all

Learn about Mazars

About Mazars

Mazars is a leading international audit, tax and advisory firm, aspiring to build the economic foundations of a fair and prosperous world. Operating as a united partnership, Mazars works as one integrated team, leveraging expertise, scale and cultural understanding to deliver exceptional and tailored services in audit and accounting, as well as tax, financial advisory, consulting and legal services.    Founded in Europe, Mazars is present in over 90 countries and territories, with 40,400 professionals – 24,400 in our integrated partnership, 16,000 via the Mazars North America Alliance – dedicated to helping clients make the most of business opportunities and operate with confidence.    Mazars Saade, is the Lebanese integrated member firm of the global audit and advisory firm of Mazars. Mazars Saade is known in Lebanon as being a leading auditing, outsourcing, taxation and transaction services firm. We have more than 60 years of experience providing services to Lebanese and international businesses. Our values guide us in everything we do: how we work with our clients, how we empower our people and the role we play in our communities. Integrity, Responsibility, Diversity and respect, Technical excellence, Independence, Stewardship . Our values have contributed to our firm’s decades-long story of growth, and they demonstrate our firm’s commitment to going above and beyond what is expected of us – today and tomorrow.