Metropolitan Hotel - Habtoor Hospitality

Hospitality & Accomodation

United Arab Emirates - Dubai

100-499 Employees


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Currently employed at this company: 114

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Most entry-level professionals at Metropolitan Hotel - Habtoor Hospitality have the below job roles:

Hospitality and Tourism Maintenance, Repair, and Technician Customer Service and Call Center Cleaning Services Accounting and Auditing Farming and Agriculture
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aamir shahzad awan

Front Office Supervisor

virendra kumar Yadav

Mechanical Plumber tech with Electricion

Zia Uddin

Room Attendant

Khyzer Nawaz

Sales Executive

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Learn about Metropolitan Hotel - Habtoor Hospitality

About Metropolitan Hotel - Habtoor Hospitality

Perfectly Elegant, Ideally Luxurious The Metropolitan Palace Hotel sets high standards of excellence in elegance, luxury and hospitality. As an ideal paradise for both business and leisure, the hotel provides personilised attention and comfort. Traditionally Arabic, magnificently European, and exotically Far Eastern, the Palace is influenced by the three distinct themes. Each being aesthetically reflected on seperate floors, offering a pleasantly diverse experience to guests. Regal in its looks, the hotel boasts 212 luxurious suites and rooms where the focus is on fine details. The luxurious splendour of the Palace is further enhanced by its convinient location. Located on Al Maktoum Street, the hotel offers proximity to the airport, business districts and other landmarks. But what really makes the Metropolitan Palace different is that it's designed as both luxurious hotel and an international business centre. It houses some of the finest ballroom and conferencing facilities. So whatever the occasion, whatever the size you may require, the Metropolitan Palace Hotel offers you the perfect venue.