Orange - Jordan


Jordan - Amman

100-499 Employees


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Most entry-level professionals at Orange - Jordan have the below job roles:

Information Technology Sales Customer Service and Call Center Engineering Administration Management
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محمد احمد راجي alzbun

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Learn about Orange - Jordan

About Orange - Jordan

As a leading Jordanian public mobile telephone network operator, MobileCom combines local Jordanian capability with the technological advantages and network management/operation experience of one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators, France Telecom. The company’s services are built on a new, highly advanced, mobile communications network serving the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, enabling Jordanians to benefit from the advantages of mobile communications. By coupling advanced technology and quality with value for money services, MobileCom will be able to share its offering with a much larger portion of the Jordanian population. MobileCom’s investment in the local market has had a positive impact on the Kingdom on a number of levels: developing the local economy, providing mobile solutions that represent today’s cutting-edge services, and introducing innovative products and services supported by its highly skilled Jordanian work force. It is through the strategic partnership with France Telecom that MobileCom was able to introduce the best international-level experience and pass it on to the qualified talents of Jordanian Employees responsible for MobileCom’s success and growth. Today, MobileCom’s network is one of the most advanced in the region, providing coverage to 99% of the populated areas in the Kingdom.