National Company for Business Solutions - NCBS

Business Support Services

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

500 Employees or more

6K+ Followers

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finance director




operations supervisor


sales executive


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Currently employed at this company: 112

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at National Company for Business Solutions - NCBS have the below job roles:

Customer Service and Call Center Accounting and Auditing Purchasing and Procurement
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Muolham Alsulaimani

Talent Acquisition Manager

Abdulrahman almazmoumi

FTTH technical support

احمد مصطفى

quality control inspector

Fadi Dalileh

Talent Management Manager

ali bin ashwan

ممثل مركز اتصال

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Learn about National Company for Business Solutions - NCBS

About National Company for Business Solutions - NCBS

Holool Aloula is a regional leader in the business services market that covers business process outsourcing, technology solution, training and consultations. Since its inception in 2008, Holool Aloula has led the market in the business services and created a respectful reputation that result in growing its market share and happy customer throughout the years. The Company started its activity in its headquarter in Riyadh, and after proving excellence in its services and widening its coverage, Holool Aloula opened two branches in Jeddah and Dammam, with an intention to extend its services all over the Kingdom.


To be known and respected as the regional leader in business service excellence.


Our Mission is to grow a regional team of experts that provide the best business services solutions for our clients. We will do this through: - Creating an internal work environment that stimulates excellence - Managing our brand as a strategic business asset - Implementing learning & development programs - Placing ‘customer-centricity’ at the core of the business - Best-in-class business practices - Sound and robust financial modeling, performance and metrics.