ADNOC Drilling

Oil & Gas

United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi

500 Employees or more


Salaries at ADNOC Drilling

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Currently employed at this company: 450

Many of ADNOC Drilling's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Anna university
  • Zayed university
  • Khalifa university
  • Nebosh

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • mechanical engineering
  • computer science
  • chemical engineering
  • mechanical

Many of ADNOC Drilling’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Most common skills at ADNOC Drilling for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at ADNOC Drilling have the below job roles:

Oil and Gas Engineering Administration Human Resources and Recruitment Safety Mechanical Engineering
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Ahmed Mohamed El-Shafey

Mechanical Support Engineer

Mohamad Taha

Heavy equipment Engineer


Project Manager (Quality & Asset Integrity)

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Learn about ADNOC Drilling

About ADNOC Drilling

National Drilling Company (NDC) is celebrating its 30 years of excellence since it began its long march toward success in 1972. Since its inception, the company continued to play a significant role in advancing the UAE economy side by side with other sister companies. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON NATIONAL DRILLING COMPANY VISIT: The existence of oil and gas reserves onshore and offshore, in the UAE in general and in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in particular, and the long development plans played a major role in creating a local drilling company. In May 1972, the National Drilling Company (NDC), the first wholly-owned subsidiary of (ADNOC), was founded by a decree under the authority of His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. With 30 years of experience and success, NDC has built a reputation for excellence and became the largest drilling company in the region. It pursues its vision 'To be the regional symbol of "Excellence" in providing "Quality" and "Efficient" Drilling and Work Over Services'. Following its commitment to (HSE) Policy, NDC won few prizes in that respect in the past few years. The latest award was this year, when NDC was granted the second position in ADNOC HSE 2001 Awards – Health Category. NDC has also demonstrated one of the best safety performances amongst drilling companies in the region and internationally. NDC continues to build on its successful drilling operations, and believes that this would not have been possible if it was not for the support of its sister companies, and the continuous guidance and commitment of its board of directors.